A ‘Lifetime’ Of Receptionist Training For As Little As $1500.00 $497


I want access to the Veterinary Reception Training Program

Introducing practical, easy to use tools to get and keep your ‘Receptionist’ Team (a ‘Receptionist’ is ANYONE who spends ANY time at all at reception), converting more visitors into buyers, providing better levels of client and patient care, developing product knowledge, dealing effectively with price objections and fostering repeat business.

If you are like many busy practice owners and managers, you’ve been in need of something as simple and straightforward as this for years, haven’t you?

Well, it’s here now and it’s one of the best investments in training your people that you are likely to make.

Answer these seven questions well and you’re onto a winner!

    1. How can you find the time to train people properly?
    2. What do you do with the new staff member who starts the week after your in-house training course has finished? This person has missed the training and you aren’t likely to do anything as intensive as that for months.
    3. Two people were on holiday or sick and missed some of the sessions. How can you make sure that they are as tuned-in as the others?
    4. Some of your Team have been through your in-house training before and need a refresher session but not the whole thing. Others are new and need to go through the basics. But you haven’t got the time or the numbers to run separate sessions.
    5. How can you keep reinforcing the same old client and patient service messages without boring your Team?
    6. How can you overcome the difficulty of getting everyone together for regular training sessions?
    7. Your Team members were trained at a local training college or TAFE or whatever and they have some skills – but they really don’t know ‘The Way That We Do It Here’ – how do I teach it to them, it’ll take too much time

Are you happy with your answers?

For years many Veterinary practices have struggled to find a workable solution to the problems behind these questions. I’ve been searching for solutions too.

After eighteen months of writing, rewriting, trying and testing I produced a 12 Module, step by step, easy to use, receptionist training programe in a DIY workbook format. It’s a programme which makes it easy for you to solve all seven of the problems mentioned above.

That was three years ago and I called it ‘The Veterinary Receptionist Training Workbook’. I made it available ONLY to my one-one-one coaching clients and NEVER made it available to Veterinary practices as a whole.

My coaching practices loved it and tell me they are still using it today. 

It has needed a bit of a revamp to suit the modern Veterinary practice. Clients have become more knowledgeable, more willing to price haggle and they have far more options available (internet pharmacies, ‘Dr Google’, pet stores, etc.). And these days your frontline receptionists and nurses / Vet-techs that also work at reception need brief notes that are appealing and easy to follow. They have short attention spans!

So now I’ve combined the reworked DIY hard-copy workbook with an on-line series of video trainings.

My major love is helping Veterinary practices help their clients and their pets more effectively and more easily. And with this DIY training program I am fulfilling my goal of providing Veterinarians like yourself with up-to-date, straightforward tools that are easy to apply. And this program won’t take you or your trainees off-the-job for much more than 15 minutes each week.

Why Should I Join the Veterinary Reception Training Program?

  • Flexible
    It can be started with one Team member or a group of Team members at any time. You don’t need to gather everyone together for a course.
  • Easy to use
    It doesn’t require a formal trainer. You as manager or any experienced member of your Team who understands the values and culture of your practice as well as your products, services and procedures, and has good people skills, can perform the role of the mentor/coach to your ‘trainees’.
  • Long Lasting
    This programme can be used again and again. Each time a new casual, part-time or full-time person joins your Team they can be trained to the same standard as everyone else and build up their experience far more quickly than would otherwise be possible.
  • Inexpensive
    For far less than the cost of hiring a good trainer to conduct a short series of training sessions for you this programme can be yours forever.
  • It Works!
    The earlier version of this programme has been used by a wide range of Veterinarians from all over the World. They have found it to be simple and effective and have achieved some great results. With this completely rewritten workbook and manager’s guide you get all the benefits of the earlier programme plus lots of new material presented in an easy to learn and apply way.

Here’s How It Works

  • Each module contains a set of notes followed by exercises for the ‘trainee’ to complete.  Your trainee is given only one module at a time
  • The exercises are designed to get your trainee thinking about how the principles discussed apply in your particular situation and in your practice and to test their understanding where it counts…at your reception counter, face to face with clients.
  • You appoint a mentor to work with your trainee.  This may be you as owner or manager of the practice; it may be a senior receptionist or your practice manager.  The mentor is not expected to tell the trainee how to do things.  The mentor has the role of guide or coach.
  • At the beginning of the training there is a self-assessment by the trainee in a series of areas of client service. This self-assessment is completed again on the completion of the modules. This shows how far the trainee has come and whether any extra training is needed and if so, in what particular area of client service. 
  • On completion of each module and the accompanying exercises trainees meet with their mentor for a period of 15 to 20 minutes (of uninterrupted time). The exercises are designed to get your trainees thinking about how to provide better client service, how to provide better value and a better client and patient experience. And let’s be BLUNT – how to ETHICALLY provide more of your products and services to more of your Clients.  This makes for some great discussion.
  • Each time a new person starts, the existing team members are automatically drawn into a refresher training programme without having to leave the practice.

Normally the entire Training Program involves an investment of $1500 – but since you’ve found your way to this page, it’s available to you for only $497
This is a one-time-offer and any other time that you see this program, it’ll be $1500

For The Next 7 days You Can Get This Product For Only $497 (normally $1500!)





I want access to the Veterinary Reception Training Program



Guarantee – The Best Guarantee Ever

Take the entire course, use all the strategies and the methods, join us at the live event, take all of the swipe files, spreadsheets, templates and video tutorials and try them out in your practice for a whole 365 days 

If for any reason at all or no reason whatsoever, if you don’t experience all the results that I’ve had and more, simply let me know, I’ll rush you a refund and a courteous return and you can keep EVERYTHING with my compliments

Plus You Get These Bonuses Valued at over $3,000

Bonus #1- Hiring System – Your Hiring System (Value $1500.00) FREE

You need to get your hiring right – every time

  • You know that hiring the right people is mandatory to developing an awesome practice.
  • You know that hiring the right people is one of the hardest decisions that you have to make in practice.
  • You also know how much a bad hiring decision costs you (3-5 times their annual salary), not to mention the angst…..


And that’s why you know how important it is to have a thorough, documented, effective Hiring System in place in your practice. This easy, 3-part step-by-step system will save you countless hours of effort, significant amounts of money by enabling you to make much better and quicker hiring decisions

And isn’t that something that we all want!This system is the same system that I use with my high-end, one-on-one clients – they love it and how well it works for them. I have NEVER made this available to the public before. But, now it’s available (for a limited time only) as a super-bonus when you invest in your Veterinary Receptionist Training Course.

Also includes ‘Scripting for Veterinary Staff’

Vets have approached me for years, asking; “Have you got a simple book of scripts, of scripting which will allow me to quickly and easily train my team (Vets, nurses and receptionists) in what to say and when to say it?” Well – now I’ve developed it for you.

In the ‘Book of Scripting’ there are literally 100s of examples of scripts for the most common scenarios that exist and occur in a Veterinary practice.

Also included is the training format (the 3-chairs technique) which will layer it in the most quickly and that I’d suggest you use in order to make the training ‘stick’ in only ONE-THIRD the time.

You get access to the VERY FIRST ‘BETA’ edition of this workbook – with ‘warts’ and all! 🙂

What I mean by that is that there WILL be typos and grammatical issues (even though it’s been proofed a dozen times already). If typos and grammar that’s not 100% perfect offends you, then don’t get involved.

Over time I will refine this workbook, improve the spelling. grammar and setting out – and then I’ll make it available at quadruple the current recommended price. You can have it now – as is – as part of your Veterinary Receptionist Training Course.

Also included –  Hiring System – How to Conduct An Interview and How To Review a Job Application (for Veterinary Practices) 

 Bonus #2 – 10 Ways to Immediately Build Your Practice (Value $500) FREE


10 Ways To Immediately Build Your Practice is also hot of the press in a ‘BETA’ version. If you want the latest in simple, step-by-step marketing strategies to build your practice, then this is the workbook for you.

Again, I make no apologies for any typos and the like. you’re getting it at least 6 months before its release date. The strategies in this workbook once implemented, will make your practice soar. Once again, you can get this advanced and extremely limited release workbook when you join the Veterinary Receptionist Training program.

Bonus #3 – Take Back Your Life (Value $500FREE

This 7 module on line video and workbook training course is perfect to help the overwhelmed practice owner get his or her life back on track quickly and easily. RRP $500.00


Just wanted to thank you for your support and encouragement this year. At the end of June, I was so close to tossing it all in. Now you have given me a lot more confidence in what we do and why we do it! I feel much more confident so I was able to honor Caroline and surprise her with a brand new Corolla to drive instead of her really dodgy car! It completely took her by surprise – what a great present for me to see her face. (I took her for a coffee and the sales lady parked the car out in the car park. As we came out Caroline said “Well somebody is getting a nice present. ” I then handed her the keys and our 4 girls jumped out from behind the other cars they were hiding behind! Then all Caroline kept saying was “Is this MY car?” What a hoot!)

Richard – Veterinarian, NSW





I want access to the Veterinary Reception Training Program